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Associate's Books & Articles

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Strategic Planning for Smart Leadership
Dollars & Sense
The Magic of Selling
Reviews relevant planning, management, and leadership literature to create the context for a three-level planning system within the theoretical framework of contemporary leadership, planning, human resource development, and systems thinking. It is designed to provide institutions – that enter the planning process with no idea of where it might take them – achievable ideals of where their planning process should lead them.

Designed as a “how-to” tool for strategic planning at all levels of the organization. This proven book provides step-by-step strategies and practices for developing an institutional strategic plan, implementing the effort through departmental planning, and realizing the goals of the plan through the development of teams and personal/professional planning. Strategic Planning for Smart Leadership simplifies the work of strategic planning for the everyday practitioner, manager, or leader.
A comprehensive financial literacy education resource for young adults ranging in age from 17 to 25 was almost non-existent -- until now. In a fun, interesting, and relevant workbook format, each chapter of Dollars & Sense contains to-the-point instructional text and practical worksheets and examples. This ‘hands-on’ application allows the student to become better acclimated to the realities of managing his or her own personal finances as well as serve as a resource for obtaining information and assistance. Additionally, the book can become a permanent fixture of a student's library, as a means of reference long after it is first read and the worksheets completed. Dollars & Sense fills an obvious curriculum gap in schools, colleges, and universities throughout the nation. It serves as a teaching and discussion resource for parents and educators, many of whom may still be perplexed by financial literacy themselves.
Understanding how to effectively sell to prospects and students is one of the most important, yet least understood concepts for higher education professionals today.

This is reason number one why Dan Hollis decided to write this book. Sharing decades of sales experience with clients in the hopes that it will help them be that much more successful in their career.

Remember, people BUY from people they like, that they TRUST. Professionals build that trust a number of ways and they are all explored in this book. If recruiters adopt the information inside, the sky is the limit.

Articles ​(Free -- click below for PDF files)

Thirty Years After Allan Bloom’s Classic The Closing of the American Mind:

It has been thirty years since Allan Bloom wrote the controversial 1987 runaway bestseller The Closing of the American Mind The seasoned professor of philosophy and political science at the University of Chicago and defender of the “great books” curriculum penned what would become one of the major critiques of contemporary higher education. 
"State of Successions"
"Civility In the Classroom"
As higher education professionals implement the work of the AACC 21st-Century Initiative, recognize the leadership crisis, and address increasing public accountability, leadership training will become increasingly important as the number of potential next generation leaders continues to diminish. (Please see pages 16-17 of the attached; and read the entire issue for additional leadership tips).  
Although each college has its own policies for both student and faculty conduct, as college professors “the buck stops” with us when it comes to controlling the climate and establishing the expectations for civil discourse in our classrooms. 
"Faculty Buyout" (Part 1)
"Peter Principle"
One often hears that a college or a university is very much like a corporation and hence should be run as such. Yet suggesting that a college or university can be managed like a retail store or a franchise certainly goes against the traditional understanding of the noble pursuits of teaching, learning and research. 
Cronyism, nepotism and political appointments are still ubiquitous in American higher education and, unlike in other industries, the people in the academy, one would think, should know better. Both public and private colleges have seen unprecedented administrative bloat. 
"Faculty Buyout" (Part 2)
There are numerous advantages to having veteran faculty on campus, including experience, knowledge and continuity. On paper, though, it passes the “smell test” for a college in anticipation of steep funding cuts or continuous revenue losses to take the step proactively to reduce salary, benefits and wage costs.